
Lessons from Ice Skating

I first tried ice skating about a year ago and I thought it would be something I could actually work on getting good at. Something to practice on at least once a month. Well, that didn't happen. BUT since I had free time today, I thought I'd give a try again. So I did. For three or so hours. Alone. In that time, I've come to realize a few things about learning to skate and life, in general. Things I already live by but worth reminding me and my friends of anyhow.

1. Make the most out of an obstacle.
Gone are the P100++/hour rates. Now they charge P390 for unlimited use, which I did not budget for. Still, I thought that I'm already there and it looks like I wasn't gonna do it every month, but I may as well go as far as I can. So I did.

2. Set realistic goals.
I probably wasn't gonna spin, skate backwards or brake with flair but I can get used to the skates and the ice. For a beginner, that actually takes a while and by the time you're there, you only have a few minutes left to enjoy the experience (at least in the old rates).

3. If something is too tight or too loose, it probably is.
Don't be afraid to go back, make adjustments or ask for a replacement, if necessary.

4. You're off to a bad start if your skate is controlling you.
If you're not in control of your tool, then either you're doing something wrong or you have to go back and make adjustments.

5. Fall and get it over with.
The sooner you face that humuliation, the better. Takes out fear for the rest of the experience.

6. The music of life is varied.
Intersperse 30 Seconds to Mars with High School Musical if you have to to set the mood. It won't matter if they help you equally.

7. Striking the balance between trusting your abilities andtrusting in fate/faith is simple: keep your chest forward, bend your kness, glide and slide, then let your instinct take over. In short, do your tangible best but don't discount your instinct.

8. Falling is actually easier than staying balanced.
If you make a mistake, allowing yourself to fall is the coward's way out. Staying up, keeping balance and picking up from where you left off is actually more challenging. Hurts my thighs and ankles more than falling does my whole body.

9. If you had no choice but to fall, it's okay.
One, everyone else has fallen at one time or another. Two, when you're learning something new, everyone expects it of you. Don't sweat it. Figure out what you did wrong and go from there.

10. Quit while you're ahead.
After three hours, I thought it was time to move on. I've been skating for about two hours without falling (but still not flawless) and with control and direction, but my feet were getting tired. I've also gone as far as I can with the goals I set for myself. I thought I did good work for the day.

There is also a lesson that I should probably remind myself next time I go ice skating, which is probably gonna be in three or four months (since I don't have the time and money to do it monthly).
You were a dancer once. Rhythm and grace comes naturally to you. Use them. I actually did earlier. Helped me stay balanced when I made a mistake.

Oh, and multi-tasking while learning a new skill? Never a good idea.

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