
Triple Visions


With the limited number of Avengers merchandise out there (thank goodness), it's great to find ones that feature characters that are unmistakeably Avengers even if I don't see the 'Avengers' brand slapped on the box.

I'm not that big on the character actually but as Avengers go, no one is more associated with the franchise than the Vision. There's the  Big Three, of course, but the Vision is the first character ever developed specifically to be an Avenger (the last being Kelsey Leigh/Capt. Britain/Lionheart, shortly prior to the farce that was Disassembled).

There's also Hawkeye, the Scarlet Witch, (possibly) even Hank Pym (in whatever identity) and the Wasp.

From left to right: Mini Mate (Art Asylum) - got it from Comic Odyssey just last Sunday. Wanted it so much when I first heard about it; Wacky Wobbler Bobble-Head (Funko) - a discounted find from the recent TAGCOM; Superhero Squad (Hasbro) - from Toys R Us. Actually, Alec and I split the Avengers 4-piece box set - he got the Captain America and I
got the rest.

I actually have a few more Avengers characters (Hawkeye Minimate/Superhero Squad; Ms. Marvel Minimate/Superhero Squad; Scarlet Witch Marvel Legend/Minimate; Wonderman Marvel Legend/Minimate; Ultron Marvel Legend/Minimate) but I just find it amusing that I ended up with THREE Visions in different incarnations.

This blog was originally posted on my Multiply on March 2, 2009